Cashout Request

The Cashout Requests resource allows healthcare providers to manage cash advance requests based on eligible invoices. This functionality is critical for optimizing cash flow and ensuring providers can access funds faster for their operations. A cashout request is created by grouping one or more invoices, even if they are issued to different payers.

While creating cashout requests is currently only available through the Osigu Payments web interface, the API provides endpoints for retrieving and managing existing cashout requests and their statuses. These endpoints enable providers to monitor the lifecycle of their requests and integrate this information into their internal systems.

Each cashout request includes key details such as the total requested amount, the number of invoices included, the request status, and payment information if the cashout has been processed. Additionally, every status change of a cashout request triggers a webhook notification, allowing real-time updates for provider systems.

This section includes the endpoints for retrieving cashout requests, monitoring their statuses, and understanding their structure and associated details.