Balance by Policyholder
File Name: v2_policyholder_balances.csv
This processor receives the updated balance of available benefits for a policyholder. It can also specify the accumulated out-of-pocket contribution for stop-loss control and the updated deductible balance.
The required fields are marked in bold.
# | Field Name | Type | Description |
1 | insurer_slug | String[64] | Slug of the Payer provided by Osigu. |
2 | insured_id | String[64] | Unique identifier for the policyholder. This code must exist in a record from the v2_policyholders.csv file. |
3 | disease_code | String[16] | Disease group code declared in the v2_disease_groups.csv file. Optional. When populated, maximum_benefit_available represents the balance for the disease group. |
4 | currency_code | String[3] using the ISO 4217 | Currency code for the expressed amounts. |
5 | maximum_benefit_available | Decimal(15,5) | Maximum available benefit. If disease_code is null, this indicates the total benefit available for the policyholder. Otherwise, it represents the balance for the disease group. |
6 | out_of_pocket_accrued_amount | Decimal(15,5) | Accumulated out-of-pocket amount for stop-loss control. When disease_code is populated, this field must be 0. |
7 | deductible_accrued_amount | Decimal(15,5) | Accumulated deductible amount paid by the policyholder. When disease_code is populated, this field must be 0. |
Updated 3 months ago