File Name: v2_policies.csv
The required fields are marked in bold.
# | Field Name | Type | Description |
1 | insurer_slug | String[64] | Slug of the Payer provided by Osigu. |
2 | number | String[32] | Number of the plan/policy within the Payer's system. |
3 | issued_date | timestamp (string) using the ISO 8601 | Date the policy was issued. |
4 | effective_date | timestamp (string) using the ISO 8601 | Coverage start date. |
5 | expiration_date | timestamp (string) using the ISO 8601 | Policy expiration date. |
6 | insurance_type | Enum ( HEALTH_INSURANCE | CREDIT_CARD_INSURANCE | EMPLOYEE_BENEFIT_PROGRAM) | Enum, in most cases, it should be HEALTH_INSURANCE. |
7 | policy_type | Enum ( INDIVIDUAL | GROUP ) | Type of insurance, indicating whether the policy is individual or group. |
8 | company_name | String[256] | Name of the company associated with the group policy. |
9 | company_address | String[512] | Physical address of the company associated with the group policy. |
10 | company_email_address | String[128] | Email address of the company associated with the group policy. |
11 | company_tax_identification_number | String[32] | Tax identification number of the company associated with the group policy. |
12 | currency_code | String[3] using the ISO 4217 | Currency code for monetary amounts, using the ISO 4217 standard. |
13 | net_premium_amount | Decimal(15,5) | Net premium amount. |
14 | status | Enum ( ENABLED | SUSPENDED | DISABLED ) | Status of the policy. |
This file is required for the initial setup of plans and policies in Osigu's system. Ensure that all required fields are provided accurately to avoid errors during processing.
Updated 3 months ago